Kapitel 5

Der Wortschatz für Kapitel 5

Die Personalpronomen – the personal pronouns

  • Personal Pronouns in the Nominativ Video mit Get Germanized.
  • Personal Pronouns in the Akkusativ Video mit Herr Antrim.
  • Personal Pronouns in the Dativ Video mit German Grammar Frau (start at 1:49)

Nach dem Weg fragen- asking for directions

Die Modalverben – Modal Verbs

Wien – Vienna:

  • Ashort and sweet city tour video auf Englisch.
  • A city tour, eine Stadtführung– auf Deutsch.
  • The most famous and beloved Austrian-Hungarian empress was Elisabeth, or Sissi. She was famous for her excellent posture and the 4-5 kilos of magnificent hair on her head. Want her hair and do? Here’s how.
  • More Sissi! Her (happy anb tragic) life was captured in three iconic and much beloved 1950s movies. Here is the first one with subtitles. Viel Vergnügen – enjoy. Popcorn, bitte.